10:00-10:45 Welcome and Opening – International Greetings:
1. Dr Iva Lloyd, Naturopathic Doctor, Canada. President World Naturopathic Federation WNF: “WNF, What Lies Ahead for the Naturopathic Profession”
2. Erika Brajnik, Naturopath, Slovenia. Chair WNF European Support Group
3. Manuel Navarro, Naturópata, España, President of Collage Naturopathic Organization FENACO (OCN FENACO)
4. Lidia Ivanova Myhre, Secretary General of The Norwegian Association of Natural Medicine. “Greetings from The Norwegian Association of Natural Medicine”
11:00-11:30 Organización Colegial Naturopática FENACO: “The WNF White Paper – The Role of Naturopathic Practice in a Pandemic”
Speaker: Tina Hausser, Heilpraktiker, Naturopath. Vice President International Relations OCN FENACO No. col 2563. 1st Vice President WNF
11:30-12:00 Istituto NeMI: “Sostegno della Persona e Prevenzione in Tempo di Pandemia”
Speaker: Silvia Polesello, Naturopathic Practitioner, President Istituto NeMI and Dr Marianna Pontini, Biologist, Naturopathic Practitioner, Vice President Istituto NeMI.
12:00-12:30 TNDR: „Naturopatía TNDR, Promocionando la Salud con la TNDR en tiempos de Pandemia“
Speaker: Dr Cayo Martín, Médico y Naturólogo, Magister Natura 2020. Director TNDR.
15:00-15:30 CENATHO: “The Holistic Approach to Pandemic: an Energetical, Psychological and Spiritual Vision to Understand and Respond to the Sanitary Crisis”
Speaker: Daniel Kieffer, DN, DPsy, Heilpraktiker, Author. Founder College of Holistic Naturopathy CENATHO
15:30-16:00 Slovenian Naturopathic Association SNA: “Post COVID Fatigue and Naturopathic Approach”
Speaker: Erika Brajnik, Naturopath. President SNA
16:00-16:30 Sphenoid Ireland: “Naturopathy in the Treatment of Violence Mental Health Suicide and Homicide Prevention“
Speaker: Marian Mulligan, Fellow BRCP, CEO Sphenoid Ireland
16:30-17:00 Swiss Association of Naturopaths with Federal Diploma SANFD: “Art of Breathing to increase immunity to help patients in a pandemic”
Speaker: Fabrice Leu, Federal Naturopath, Heilpraktiker. President SANFD
17:00-17:30 OMNES France: “Detox and Health” Speaker: Anne Portier, President OMNES, Laurent Fege OMNES
17:30-18:00 “Outlook of the Naturopathic Profession in Europe – Educational Standards, Professional Formation and Uniting Initiatives of the European Region – Supported by the WNF”
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